John Locke Update / Impact Newsletter

Health Care

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Following the legislature’s move to absorb the local cost of Medicaid and then give localities the option of either increasing their sales tax or add a land-transfer fee, Chad Adams starting wondering if people might think that NC is moving towards more local control. In an interview with Lockwood Phillips, Chad made sure that people focused on the real issue, here: mandates are mandates, and we’re all in for more taxes. With Bill LuMaye, Joe Coletti had a discussion about the unsteady state of American health care. 

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About John Locke Foundation

We are North Carolina’s Most Trusted and Influential Source of Common Sense. The John Locke Foundation was created in 1990 as an independent, nonprofit think tank that would work “for truth, for freedom, and for the future of North Carolina.” The Foundation is named for John Locke (1632-1704), an English philosopher whose writings inspired Thomas Jefferson and the other Founders.

The John Locke Foundation is a 501(c)(3) research institute and is funded solely from voluntary contributions from individuals, corporations, and charitable foundations.