• Research Report

    Energy Subsidies: How comparisons should be calculated but aren’t

    posted October 27, 2013 by Dr. Roy Cordato
    Over the last several years there have been a great many claims about energy subsidies for both renewables and traditional sources like coal and oil. The analysis hasn't, but should, focus on net subsidies, which includes both subsidies and penalties. The important question is - how are coercive policies distorting supply and demand relative to a free market?
  • Research Report

    Costs of Nuclear vs. Solar: It’s No Contest

    posted August 31, 2010 by Dr. Carlo Stagnaro, Daren Bakst
    A study by the North Carolina Waste Awareness Network (NC WARN), an anti–nuclear power advocacy group, argues that solar power today is less expensive than nuclear power. Media have embraced this study despite its absurd conclusion and its arbitrary use of subsidies in calculating the costs of competing energy sources.

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