• Research Report

    Energy Efficiency, Economic Efficiency and The Pretense of Knowledge

    posted October 12, 2011 by Dr. Roy Cordato
    Energy efficiency programs focus on the relationship between one input into the production process, energy, relative to the output generated by that process. This simplistic view makes no consideration for the strong possibility that other inputs -- labor, plastic, steal, copper, glass, etc. -- might actually increase. Economic efficiency, on the other hand, relates total costs to the value of the output that those costs generate.
  • Research Report

    Time for a change: New legislature should realign its positions on environmental issues

    posted February 14, 2011 by Dr. Roy Cordato
    Over the last decade, North Carolina has led the way among southern states in advancing a more extreme environmentalist agenda. The General Assembly's new Republican majority should start anew on environmental issues. Legislators should put environmental policy into the context of the ideas of liberty, personal responsibility, and economic growth that the party ran on last fall.
  • Research Report

    Main Street, Not Jones Street: The real greed menacing North Carolina is government greed

    posted November 17, 2008 by Dr. Terry Stoops, Joseph Coletti, Dr. Michael Sanera
    During policy discussions, much is made of the greed of private individuals, but rarely is government greed mentioned. Government greed is the lust for power that consumes policymakers — the desire to do whatever it takes to stay in power and to give government more power. In the North Carolina legislature, government greed is alive and well. Ten policy examples discussed in this report reasonably attest to this lust for power.

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