• Research Report

    Robeson County’s Vote to Increase the Sales Tax: Would you buy a used car from these guys?

    posted July 27, 2010 by Cameron Lambe, Joseph Coletti, Dr. Michael Sanera
    Robeson County officials want a quarter-cent sales tax hike and promise a two-cent reduction in the property tax rate. The net effect would be like a two-cent property tax hike, since the sales tax increases would bring in an additional $2.3 million a year, while the reduction in property tax revenues would be only $1.2 million. Robeson County taxpayers have already been hit with a two-cent tax increase with revaluation, so a vote to approve the sales-tax hike would mean a $2.3 million tax increase from last year.
  • Research Report

    Sales-Tax Hike Not Needed: There Are Better Ways to Help Struggling Localities

    posted June 12, 2001 by Eric Root, John Hood
    Some state lawmakers are discussing a plan to give local governments the authority to raise their sales taxes by up to 1 penny while simultaneously eliminating state tax reimbursements. While it is true that many counties are raising property taxes this year, most have not been starved for revenue during the 1990s. More importantly, the state can give the same assistance to localities without raising taxes by increasing flexibility and assuming more responsibility for Medicaid.

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