• Research Report

    A Start on Malpractice: Senate legislation contains useful ideas & bad ones

    posted September 23, 2003 by Dr. Roy Cordato
    The North Carolina Senate held a special session in mid-September to pass a bill reforming the state’s treatment of medical-malpractice issues. A key element of the legislation — instigating expert review of malpractices claims before trial and imposing a related “loser pays” rule to discourage frivolous lawsuits — would be a welcome improvement. But some of the bill’s other provisions, including price controls and subsidized insurance, are much less attractive.
  • Press Release

    Senate Bill a “Mixed Bag” on Malpractice

    posted September 15, 2003
    RALEIGH — The medical-malpractice legislation likely to emerge from the North Carolina Senate this week “is a mixed bag” from the standpoint of reformers, according to a preliminary analysis by…

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