• Press Release

    Dump the New Hanover Incinerator

    posted March 19, 2006
    RALEIGH – It’s time for New Hanover County to close the only municipal solid waste incinerator left in the state. That’s the key finding in a new John Locke Foundation…
  • Research Report

    Money to Burn: New Hanover County’s WASTEC Incinerator

    posted March 19, 2006 by Joseph Coletti
    New Hanover County’s waste-to-energy incinerator (WASTEC) was built in 1984 to extend the life of the county landfill and also to make money from selling the energy it generated. The incinerator was never able to make money, relying instead on subsidies from the landfill and a higher tipping fee. New technologies and competition have made this costly option obsolete.
  • Press Release

    Rethink Wake Landfill Plan, Author Concludes

    posted October 24, 2005
    RALEIGH – Wake County should not replace the North Wake landfill, closing in 2007, with a new county-owned facility, according to the author of a new analysis published Monday by…
  • Research Report

    Bring Out Your Trash: Wake County’s Dilemma and Why Solid Waste Markets Matter

    posted October 23, 2005 by Dr. Michael Sanera
    Many cities and counties in North Carolina and throughout the nation have benefited from the ongoing revolution in solid waste management. Competition in the private sector has led to larger landfills that are better for the environment and less expensive. Only seven North Carolina counties have failed to take advantage of the market in landfill services. When the North Wake County landfill closes in 2007, the county should not replace it with a new county-owned facility. Instead, it should allow cities and towns to find the best value for their citizens in the landfill market.

landfill by Author