• Research Report

    Energy Efficiency, Economic Efficiency and The Pretense of Knowledge

    posted October 12, 2011 by Dr. Roy Cordato
    Energy efficiency programs focus on the relationship between one input into the production process, energy, relative to the output generated by that process. This simplistic view makes no consideration for the strong possibility that other inputs -- labor, plastic, steal, copper, glass, etc. -- might actually increase. Economic efficiency, on the other hand, relates total costs to the value of the output that those costs generate.
  • Press Release

    Lawmakers should scrap energy-efficiency mandates

    posted August 20, 2008
    RALEIGH – The current controversy over Duke Energy’s Save-A-Watt program highlights problems linked to all government-mandated energy-efficiency plans. That’s the assessment of a John Locke Foundation analyst whose new…
  • Research Report

    Electric Shock: North Carolinians would be required to pay for electricity in other states

    posted August 5, 2007 by Daren Bakst
    The legislature passed a law, SB 3, which would require North Carolinians to pay for electricity used by out-of-state residents. SB 3, which is the new, hastily drafted energy bill, was touted as requiring utilities to provide at least 7.5% of their electricity from renewable resources. However, North Carolinians likely will not be the recipient of a significant amount of this electricity.
  • Press Release

    New energy mandate would ignore customer demands

    posted July 8, 2007
    RALEIGH – New energy mandates could drive up North Carolina’s regionally high electricity rates, even though consumers have shown little interest in paying more for renewable energy sources. That’s the…

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