• Research Report

    By The Numbers: What Government Costs in North Carolina Cities and Counties FY 2008

    posted March 28, 2010 by Michael Lowrey
    County and municipal governments provide many key services while taking in billions of dollars in revenue. Their roles grow as state government keeps more local funding sources and shifts more taxing power to localities. Still, finding comparative data is difficult. This report helps address that problem by providing information of how much local government costs in every city and county in North Carolina.
  • Research Report

    The Clean Smokestacks Bill: A Retrospective

    posted March 4, 2010 by Kamen Nikolaev, Dr. Roy Cordato
    In 2002 the State of North Carolina passed what was officially titled “Improve Air Quality/Electric Utilities,” which became better known as the Clean Smokestacks Bill (CSB). When the CSB was passed in 2002, it was estimated to cost $2.3 billion.
  • Press Release

    President wants to double down on bad ideas as economy struggles

    posted December 17, 2009
    RALEIGH — North Carolina’s 10th straight month of double-digit unemployment should raise doubts about the president’s latest promise of economic stimulus. That’s the reaction from the John Locke Foundation’s top…
  • Research Report

    Trust But Verify: Open government is better government

    posted December 16, 2009 by Joseph Coletti
    Governments have been seeking ways to adopt or advertise their efforts at open government, sunshine, and transparency. Recent history is rife, however, with examples of how they have failed - such as Gov. Mike Easley's financial dealings and the hole in the state health plan.
  • Research Report

    Why Transparency? Creating trust in government

    posted December 16, 2009 by Joseph Coletti
    Open government is just as important in a modern republic as it was two centuries ago. Larger bureaucratic states threatened to overwhelm the ability of citizens and their representatives to keep track of government.

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