Dr. Richard M. ClerkinHeadshot

Dr. Richard M. Clerkin

Professor, North Carolina State University


Richard M. Clerkin, Ph.D., is Professor in the Department of Public Administration and Executive Director of the Institute for Nonprofits at NC State University. He teaches classes in public administration and nonprofit studies at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral levels.

His research interest focuses broadly on understanding why people voluntarily contribute to the common good. In particular, he studies motivations for public service and public benefiting activities. The Changing Philanthropy Project, explores the impact of geographic mobility and regional philanthropic traditions on 1) the volunteering and donating behavior of individuals and 2) the ability of nonprofit organizations to adapt to these changes in their community.

His research has been published in journals such as Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Nonprofit Management and Leadership, VOLUNTAS, Public Administration Review, American Review of Public Administration, Review of Public Personnel Administration, and Armed Forces & Society. As executive director of the Institute for Nonprofits, he leads a team of professional staff and students to be a community where ideas, resources, and support are devoted to strengthening the capacity of nonprofit and social sector organizations in NC and beyond through research, education and engagement.

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About John Locke Foundation

We are North Carolina’s Most Trusted and Influential Source of Common Sense. The John Locke Foundation was created in 1990 as an independent, nonprofit think tank that would work “for truth, for freedom, and for the future of North Carolina.” The Foundation is named for John Locke (1632-1704), an English philosopher whose writings inspired Thomas Jefferson and the other Founders.

The John Locke Foundation is a 501(c)(3) research institute and is funded solely from voluntary contributions from individuals, corporations, and charitable foundations.