
Jul 17
The Tea Party, Barack Obama, and the Limits of Research

  July 17, 2017, 12:00 PM-1:00 PM

  John Locke Foundation, 200 W. Morgan Street, 2nd Floor, Raleigh, North Carolina 27601

The Tea Party, Barack Obama, and the Limits of Research

Can you believe all the ‘science’ you read?  In a forthcoming book on Scientific Method, John Staddon shows the difference between good and bad science by looking carefully at examples such as a well-publicized study showing that Threats to Racial Status Promote Tea Party Support among White Americans. In this presentation, Staddon will explain the limits of this study and many others like it.
Here is the full presentation:

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We are North Carolina’s Most Trusted and Influential Source of Common Sense. The John Locke Foundation was created in 1990 as an independent, nonprofit think tank that would work “for truth, for freedom, and for the future of North Carolina.” The Foundation is named for John Locke (1632-1704), an English philosopher whose writings inspired Thomas Jefferson and the other Founders.

The John Locke Foundation is a 501(c)(3) research institute and is funded solely from voluntary contributions from individuals, corporations, and charitable foundations.